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We Empower Effective Awareness, Action & Advocacy for Endangered Children

"There is no power for change greater than a community

discovering what it cares about."

~Margaret Wheatley

The Need

Victimized Children Need Safety. In the U.S., almost 8 million official reports of abuse and neglect are made every single year. Despite a 32% increase in abuse reports and a 15% rise in child fatalities since 2010, the vast majority of the 678,000 annual verified victims have NOT received protective services. NOW, only 5% are estimated to receive safety due to national changes that have been put into motion. Which means foster care is no longer the primary place to serve our country's victimized children.


Victimized Children Need a Voice Everywhere. The NEED for advocates in ALL spheres where children are known to be at-risk or harmed is now desperate! As human trafficking, drug trafficking, and crime are at all-time highs, so is the maltreatment and exploitation of children within the United States. The fundamental basics of child-centered advocacy are effective in any setting or situation. Institutions, court systems, or governmental agencies are sometimes involved in these situations. Professional advocacy and a voice for children's interests are desperately needed amid these broken systems.


What is Hidden Needs to Be Brought to Light. It is time to bring the HIDDEN epidemic of child maltreatment and exploitation in our country to the light of day. It's time for the American people to know the truth that the top societal challenges that affect their communities and their lives, are rooted in decades of ignored child maltreatment by our country's leaders.

The Solution

Increase Awareness. By being a “Voice for the Voiceless” we expose the hiddenness of child maltreatment and societal impacts within the United States through engaging videos, circuit speakers, & a podcast. This includes providing a hope-filled message of God’s justice and how the Body of Christ can strategically engage in broken situations.


Empower Advocacy. Through advocacy training and coaching we help everyday people become effective child-centered advocates in any situation where children are at-risk. By providing online and in-person training, ongoing coaching, & resources. Effective advocacy is when your voice for another is HEARD!


Mobilize Communities. Through collaboration & prayer we lead believers to seek out the blueprints of Heaven for broken situations. Then we mobilize and empower them to strategically execute the God-given strategy to be a voice and bring innovative solutions to complex problems.

Our Programs


Protect Kids National


Exposing the hiddenness of child maltreatment and societal impacts within the United States through engaging videos, circuit speakers, & a podcast. This includes providing a hope-filled message of God’s justice and how the Body of Christ can strategically engage in broken situations.


Without Walls Regional


The desire of most victimized children is to experience something new outside of the daily struggles they face. The Connected Child Program’s primary objective is to provide the child opportunities to create new, healthy “connections” through experienced-based gifts, heartfelt interactions, & shared experiences.


Protect Kids National


Through child-centered advocacy training and coaching we help everyday people become effective child-centered advocates in any situation where children are at-risk or being harmed. By providing primarily online training, in-person training, ongoing coaching, & resources.


Without Walls Regional


Is about partnering strategically with other like-minded non-profit organizations, community leaders, and influencers for the purpose of advancing the cause to protect kids through awareness, advocacy, and action! This includes a community-based volunteer program where whole families & large groups can volunteer together.

Image by Jason Rosewell

Protect Kids National


Through collaboration & prayer we lead believers to seek out faith-filled answers for broken situations. Then we mobilize and empower them to strategically execute God inspired strategy to be an effective voice and bring innovative solutions to complex problems.

Mother and Daughter

Without Walls Regional


Vital self-care resources, encouragement, recognition, and gratitude to those warriors serving children on the frontlines of child protective services, foster care, and child rescue. Supporting these brave warriors enable more of them to stay committed to the difficult task of working and trauma-informed care of victimized children.

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