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Katie Fetzer

It's about more than Teddy Bears. It's about AFFIRMING HEARTS!

A Childhood Memory in Action! Can you remember a moment when someone said something to you that profoundly changed your life or gave you hope beyond the moment it was spoken? We gathered nearly 100 volunteers on the beautiful morning of the Summer of Love Children's Parade & Festival and gave a charge for each person to take the time to purposefully affirm with their words. Stating, "It's not about teddy's about a child being affirmed & loved! This is the purpose of today!"

This idea of speaking words of affirmation over the kids attending the Summer of Love event came from a very personal moment: a memory from my childhood. A moment that lasted maybe 60 seconds, but I clung to during the darkest times. A moment where an adult that I barely knew took 60 seconds out of his day, looked me in the eyes and said, "Katie, you are going to do great things in your life! You are valuable and important!" As an 8 year old little girl that 60 seconds marked my life. Words of affirmation, acceptance, and love spoken over the hearts of children make an impact. Affirming words like LOVED, CHERISHED, WANTED, & CHOSEN are words that can infuse life into the hearts of victimized children.

The summer has been busy putting action behind ideas and launching our organization to the Kansas City community! We were stunned that we were able to partner with over 30 local organizations for this event. The Kansas City Police Chief, Richard Smith, and his wife joined in the event us as well! They joyfully walked in the parade along with KCPD officers, KCFD, and Missouri State Highway Patrol. Giving hundreds of victimized children their very first positive encounter with a first responder.

The smiling faces of children who feel loved are priceless! There is nothing in this world that matters more than that! Nothing! And YOU made it possible! Your generosity and ongoing support allow children to be loved! Through this community outreach event and partnerships we provided gifts of comfort to 1,000 victimized children!!!! You are one of the heroes in these children's stories, and you are making a difference! By supporting the mission, you create an IMMEDIATE impact! There are no words to adequately describe our gratitude! Thank you!!!!

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